
A FREE 3-Day Gathering of Sacred Feminine Reclamation and Rebirth

EMERGE is a 3 Day Ceremony, held in the energies of the Holy Season of Imbolc + a Venus-Moon Conjunction to the Rose Gate of your Wombspace, where you will come out of Hiding, and Birth your true expression.

This Is For You If...

✨ You LOVE celebrating the High Holy Days as you know they provide unique insight and healing that you can only receive at this specific moments

✨ You are standing at a sacred threshold in your life, and need loving, ceremonial support to move you closer to fulfilling your dreams

✨ You know that you are here for a reason, but can’t quite grasp what that is right now

✨ You are feeling anxious about where you are currently in your life and what it is that you wish to birth in the world

✨ You know that being in sacred ceremony with women around the World offers the fastest, most effective and safe way for you to truly Know Thyself

✨ You are ready to come out of hiding - as a mother, partner, healer, activist, CEO - and express your Priestess Self

✨ You are part of the team that is restoring the Sacred Feminine to her rightful place in the Temple

✨ You wish to learn more about the Venusian-Rose Mysteries and commit to your Priestessing in the World

✨ You are choosing to excavate yourself from beliefs and thoughts that keep you small, receiving scraps, and tolerating in your life

✨ You see all the patterns that keep you from receiving love, money, success, appreciation, health… and you are ready to release these


This is a *FREE* Sacred Ceremony and if you can't join us live, all replays will be available to you.

Please share with other Women in your life who are craving to release personal woundings, conditionings, and betrayals while reclaiming their Innate Power.

With Rose Love,
Ameya and Achintya